If you ever face a problem with your site and are unable to deal with it, ask the web hosting provider’s client support staff to help you bring the site back online. A swift solution would be the best-case scenario, but many companies answer within 24 hours and even more, all the more so if you’re doing business with a hosting reseller. Even if your problem can be quickly resolved, your website may not work properly or it may not be accessible whatsoever for a lengthy span of time, so you may lose prospective customers as it is very unlikely that anybody will be happy to revisit a faulty website. This is why, you ought to make sure not only that you can touch base with your web hosting company, but also that they can reply and help you in a timely manner. If a web application update does not go smoothly or you erase something mistakenly, for example, the site should be restored quickly in order to prevent long unavailability.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Hosting

Our guaranteed maximum response time for any technical support ticket that you open or any email that you write is just sixty minutes, even if you contact us during weekends and legal holidays. Whatever the nature of your issue or inquiry may be, we will lend you a helping hand straight away and will give you the needed information to resolve any problem with your websites. The real response time typically does not surpass 15-20 minutes, so you can just forget about waiting for hours to get an issue resolved or what is even worse than that – waiting around a whole day only to receive a reply that more info is necessary while nothing is resolved. We’ll offer you assistance in a well-timed manner merely because we are aware of exactly how costly time can be in the dynamic digital world. The sixty-minute reply guarantee is valid for any billing or technical query that you may have connected with our cloud hosting.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We guarantee that if you submit a ticket through your web hosting Control Panel or send an email concerning your semi-dedicated server, you will obtain a response within only 1 hour. You can get in touch with us whenever you want with regards to general, billing or technical matters and due to the fact that we’re on duty 24-7-365, you will always receive assistance right on the spot. Based on the specific issue or question, we’ll supply you with more information, resolve the complication if it’s been caused by something within our reach or tell you what actions to take in case you have to edit a specific setting for a web-based application that we don’t have access to. You can just forget about waiting for a day for each single reply. In reality, in the majority of cases we reply to tickets and emails within 20 to 25 minutes max.