Disk Space in Cloud Hosting
We've created our cloud hosting with the concept that the disk space won't be a setback for your websites. While many website hosting companies set up accounts using a single server, and in fact, the most popular Control Panels are made to work solely on such a platform, we've used a different approach. We have clusters of servers that take care of each aspect of the website hosting service, which means that your files will be stored on one cluster, the emails on a different one,your databases on a third one, and so on. With this cloud platform we achieve a couple of things - the hard drive space is virtually limitless considering that we're able connect as many servers and hard disk drives to our clusters as needed, and we enhance the performance of every single machine because only one type of system processes will run on it. This custom-built setup will allow you to develop your web sites as you see fit without having to worry about not having enough hard disk space.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting
With all of our semi-dedicated server packages, the hard disk space feature is unlimited, so you can direct your attention to developing your websites the way you like and not be concerned about hitting some restriction. Unlike a number of hosting suppliers that create accounts on one server, we take advantage of a custom-built cloud platform, that enables us to offer truly unlimited hdd storage for every single account. With a single machine, there's a restricted number of hard disks that can be used, not mentioning that the most popular hosting Control Panels are not meant to work with numerous servers concurrently. Our platform, on the other hand, employs clusters of servers for the website databases, files and emails, and our tailor-made Hepsia Control Panel was designed to work with it. We are able to add as many servers to all of the clusters as needed at any given time, so that the hdd space is virtually limitless.
Disk Space in VPS Hosting
All of our virtual private servers have disk space quotas proportional to the computing power that you will get with every plan. Employing a higher package, for example, the chances are greater that you will host multiple domain names or just a single huge site, that is why your hard disk space will increase as you upgrade your package. When you choose the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, all domain names will share the storage, while if you choose cPanel or DirectAdmin, you will be able to set up separate website hosting accounts and set a pre-defined volume of the whole VPS space for every specific website. You can even reallocate hdd space from one domain to another when needed. If you start with a particular VPS plan and you require additional storage at some point, you're able to upgrade to a greater plan with just a couple of clicks from your billing section. The additional resources will be included in your current plan without any server downtime or content migration.
Disk Space in Dedicated Web Hosting
The minimum hard disk space available using our dedicated servers is 500 gigabytes. You will have two hard disk drives, 250 gigabytes each, and it will be up to you the way you'll share out this space. You may have the disks in RAID, so all your information will be secured as one of the drives will be a real-time mirror of the second one, alternatively you are able to make them operate separately, in order to use the overall storage volume that'll be available to you. The hard disk space of our dedicated hosting services is enough for everything - huge Internet shops, data depository portal, individual archive backup, and so much more. We will never keep back your websites in terms of the HDD storage they use. In case that they begin expanding, we give you the opportunity to add further HDDs to your present server as required. If you get the server with DirectAdmin or cPanel for the hosting Control Panel, you're able to create a different account for every single hosted domain and set a specific hdd storage allowance for it. When you use Hepsia all the domains will be hosted in one place and they'll share the full server space.