If you have checked out loads of sites, you've probably stumbled upon some error message every now and then. An error can occur when the hosting server cannot process a request (Error 400), if you need to log in to see some content and you haven't done so (Error 401), if you aren't permitted to access a page (Error 403) or if a link leads to a file which is not on the web server (Error 404). Getting this type of messages could often be annoying because the pages don't have anything in common with the actual Internet site. That’s why some hosting companies allow you to use your own error pages that will match the layout of your own website and which could have any content which you want - information why the error has appeared, a suggestion how to proceed or even some funny comment. This type of feature shall help you keep the visitor on the website irrespective of the error and the reason for it.

Custom Error Pages in Cloud Hosting

You will be able to set up custom made error pages for any of your sites easily if you use any of our cloud hosting. This can be done through the Hosted Domains part of the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all accounts as soon as you go there, you could set your custom made pages independently for any domain or subdomain. You need to upload the files to your account in advance and input the links to them during the process. This function may be de-activated whenever you want and the options you'll be able to select from are a generic page from our system or a default Apache server page. Custom made error pages may be set with an .htaccess file too. The file should be put into the domain or subdomain folder and it should contain some system code and links to the pages. If you're not tech-savvy, you may copy the whole content you'll need for the file from our Help section.

Custom Error Pages in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you host your Internet sites in a semi-dedicated server account with our company, you'll be able to set tailor-made error pages for any of them effortlessly using our in-house created Hepsia hosting CP. With only a couple of mouse clicks inside the Hosted Domains section, you are able to modify the default setting from a system page to a customized one for each of the 4 error types. All you need to do is provide a link to every file that you've uploaded before that and then save the change. If necessary, you shall be able to revert this change whenever you want and in exactly the same way. If you want, you may use an .htaccess file as well. It must be created/uploaded inside the domain or subdomain folder linked to the internet site whose error pages you would like to modify and the content for this sort of file can be found in our Help article for this matter.